Why the New D.C. is Good for Fashion
Monday, April 13, 2009
The new Washington is reminiscent of the fashionable 40s and 50s. Michelle Obama has trademarked elegance and simplicity. This was a time when people put more effort into their appearance. No guy could get a date if he wasn't well-dressed, and even the "fast" women browsed their closets carefully before setting a foot outside their front door. Even the 1960s brought on a surge of glamor a la Jacqueline Onassis. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, even designers named bags after their selected muses. (Think Gucci's Jackie O hobo bag) Washington D.C. has become the center for upwardly mobile professionals with an affinity for great clothes on a moderate budget. J. Crew has seen a boost in sales since Mrs. Obama publicly acknowledged that she shops online, "You can find some great things there," she said when she appeared on Jay Leno wearing a J. Crew ensemble. It is important for women to be confident, and Mrs. Obama in all her statuesque glory is proving that style is not about what's expensive. White House staff members like the 49 year-old Desiree Rogers prove less is definitely more. When support staff members of the White House appeared in a recent issue of Elle magazine, all stressed their sudden need to revamp their image and look the part of nouveau members of the Obama regime. I agree that clothes are influential when determining the social climate of Washington's movers and shakers. People are going to be paying more attention to the way they look, and rightfully slow. Don't get caught slipping...
Fashion and Style News,
Michelle Obama,
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